Awe-Inspiring Festivals You Should Attend In Italy
When you plan to vacation in Europe, nothing can beat doing it the Italian way. Italy is a modern country that does not do away with her culture and traditions.
The country has a diverse natural beauty and varied cultural treasures. Italy has never failed to impress her visitors.
Every destination in Italy is marked with a variety of breathtaking attractions, amazing people, festivities, and fairs that never fail to leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of every visitor.
By visiting Italy, you come to a step closer to the world of great colors, exotic cultural treasures and free spirit. When you step your foot in Italy, be prepared to get captivated by the heritage museums, beautiful monuments and above all the never-ending Italian festivities that revolve around different themes.
Be ready to enthrall by the beautiful land of all seasons, where culture echoes, beauty reckons, tradition talks and diversity delights.
Little Asians in Italy

Upcoming release of Little Asians porn series in 2019 is gaining a lot of Italian society’s attention. Italians seem to have a thing for oriental beauties and the art of love is very high in this country. With the launch of the series you can expect a lot of fans coming from Italy just to watch these tiny and fragile girls in hardcore videos.
New Year Festivals

There is no doubt that people across different parts of the world welcome a new year in different styles. However, no other country does it better than Italy. Italians welcome the New Year with dancing, music, and fireworks. Celebrations, however, vary from one Italian town to the other.
If you are traveling to Italy on a New Year, discover the many secrets of Italy and the different traditions that Italian people hold close to their hearts. New Year festivities run for close to a whole month, and it is a highly regarded time when families unite to share meals and have fun.
Carnevale Festival In Italy

Majority of the Italians are Catholics, and hence they take the church calendar with much seriousness. Carnevale Festival in Italy is one of the largest celebrations held by believers when entering the Easter Period. This Festival is usually held 40 days before Ash Wednesday.
Some of the most prominent celebrations are held Venice, Ivrea, and Viareggio. These celebrations are also held in many other cities across the world. So, if you are a Catholic believer and you want to learn a few more things about catholic religion, then visiting Italy around the Easter period would serve you well.
Thanksgiving Festivals In Italy

Italy celebrates Thanksgiving in a different way than America.
In the Italian Thanksgiving, the family prepares a meal that comprises only of Italian recipes that have been handed down throughout many generations.
Thanksgiving holiday in Italy is an opportunity for families to gather and share a traditional meal.
Food Festivals In Italy

There is no secret that Italians love their food. Besides family gatherings, you will also find Italian tradition foods throughout the country during food festivals popularly known as sagre. Unlike other festivals that comprise of special foods such as Carnival Ivrea, Shrove Tuesday, and Easter, sagre festivals revolve around local cuisine.
The sagre festivals are held throughout the year, and the whole community is involved in the preparation of the local cuisines. If you are visiting, you will get an opportunity to taste seasonal foods and other local cuisines that you might otherwise miss during your vacation.
Some of the popular sagre festivals include fruit festivals that are held throughout the year to celebrate different fruits. One popular fruit festival is held in Apulia in September. Others include lemon Festival that takes place in May in the village of Monterosso al mare, in Liguria. The Lemon Festival goes down on the third Saturday before the Ascension Day.
Sea Food Festivals

Italy is lined up with miles of coastline.
It is no wonder that the country has numerous seafood Festivities that visitors and residents can take part in. Some of the popular seafood festivals include the Swordfish festival in Calabria, salt cod festival in Avigliano and also Sagra Del Pesce in Camogli, Liguria.